This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

December 6, 2002

Unofficially, we’re a user group now.

I am pleased to report that the first meeting involving two of Calgary’s four or five remaining Newton users occurred last night. I say four or five because the count varies based on who happens to be in town and responding to their email at any given time. As far I as can recall, this is the first time I’ve been in a room with another Newton user in Calgary since about 1998. That is, if you don’t count the numerous times my photographer friend Grant Waddell shows up on my doorstep with his eMate.

Anywho, getting back to the original story, a fine gentleman named Norman Palardy and I met at the Cocktail Club. An oddly upscale-sounding name for an rather average bar. Zymeta, the company Norman works for, has an installation of their slick video jukebox technology at this location, so it seemed like a good choice to meet and get acquainted around a beer or two.

As it turns out, I went to high school with his younger sister and she was good friends with my current boss’ wife. Indeed, the world gets smaller and smaller.

As we chatted, I discovered that Norm enjoys collecting old computer crap and relating geeky anecdotes nearly as much as I do. And his boss — who showed up a bit later on — is an old-school Mac developer who once was a beta tester for the original MessagePad. Just for kicks, I brought one of my prototype MessagePads along for the ride (a pre-release OMP with the snap-on screen protector) and I promised to bring more goodies out the next time we get together.

All we need to do now is get the rest of the Green Toting Fools in town to join us and then come up with an official name.

What are user groups wearing these days?

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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