July 19, 2002
Guess what? The new DSL connection is installed. That’s what.
ISSN 1496-3221
July 19, 2002
Guess what? The new DSL connection is installed. That’s what.
July 18, 2002
Another dismal tale of asinine legal policy heavy-handedness and waving of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act flag. Read through the sequence of events over on Curt Cloninger’s Playdamage and come to your own conclusions. Personally, stuff like this really snarls my short hairs. I am so glad that I’m not working for Getty Images anymore. … More
July 18, 2002
Moving cart and self-storage bays. 79th Avenue Southeast, Calgary.
July 17, 2002
By the way, for all of you immensely patient people who have your sites hosted by yours truly, you may need to wait until I get the new DSL connection before your sites are live again. I’m trying to map out the best way to transition everything, and perhaps not moving the domains around too … More
July 17, 2002
You know when you go to check something on your site, and the site isn’t there anymore. You know that feeling? Well I do, or should I said I did. I pinged my domain. Nothing. NSlookup. Nothing. So, does this mean that the server seized up? Maybe, but it hasn’t completely jammed on me since … More
July 16, 2002
I’ve always felt that one of the few things in life that designers need more than a new t-shirt is, quite frankly, an excuse to design a new t-shirt. And as if they were reading my mind, the wonderful Typophile has announced their first annual t-shirt design contest. Judging is provided by a fell swoop … More
July 16, 2002
And the laughs just keep on coming. Subject: Technical error re: VeriSign Domain Name Renewal NoticesDate: 15/07/2002 5:41 PMFrom: VeriSign Renewals, email hidden; JavaScript is required On Friday, due to a technical error, you may have received a renewal notice(s) for a domain name(s) that is no longer registered with VeriSign. Please disregard the notice(s) and … More
July 12, 2002
Just one word. Sticky.
July 12, 2002
Apologies to Ian (fingerfarm.com, toloko.ca), Danyon (danyon.com, plunderkind.com), Sheldon (askthevet.ca, animalmedicalcentre.ca), and anyone else who has had one of their domains go dark this week. The endless pit of internet service provision doom known as Telus yanked my DSL gateway IP address two days earlier than expected, leaving my primary name server without a forwarding … More
July 9, 2002
Looks like Ed is going dark once again. And this time it sounds rather permanent. Thanks for the anecdotes, the pictures, the tales of frustration, and the nuggets of wisdom, Ed. It’s been a slice. See you in the funny papers…