Why on earth would anyone want to eat utensils? That’s what I was thinking to myself as I innocently clicked the link. It turned out to be just another reading comprehension accident on my part. Beware the dangers of ploughing through mounds of questionable sentence structure without benefit of proper head protection.
What do you suppose Apple has crawling up and down their sleeve when they apply for a trademark registration on the word Junkyard? The description of the goods and/or services pertaining to this application pretty cover anything they have shipped or could ship out the door. And it’s not exactly a customer-facing term is it? … More
That snarky little gem of a web server, MacHTTP went beta 10 over the weekend, sneaking one step closer to the official version 2.5 release. A couple more fixes. A couple more tweaks. Still a tiny footprint. But wait a darn minute, there’s now a customized version of MacHTTP that works specifically as a web-based … More
You know, people actually read this site. Want proof? A little bird named Bob Sawyer let me know via email that he has a simple PHP-based RSS parser script available to all that takes all the useless data we’ve been talking about and converts it to a more useful format. Nifty. And yes Ian, I … More
Regarding yesterday’s pronouncement that you could now access an RSS feed of this weblog, friend Ian wrote: “RSS… that’s great… how can I use it? Data is useless without tools to make sense of it…” Well, of course it’s useless on it’s own, silly. However, I’m currently just supplying the content, not the tools to … More
A sign of things to come, or the result of a need to continue sprucing things up around here? Whatever the reason, it was dead simple to do and there is now an official RSS feed available for this site. Go ahead. Subscribe and publish. I dare you.
It’s time for me to stop hiding the rest of the site updates all over the blessed place and start mentioning things right here on the front page. Someone else besides me deserves to know that a lot of stuff beyond this weblog gets updated and finessed and blurped out on a regular basis by … More
NewtWiki riffs on the WordsSmashedTogether syntax style of the original Wiki software to easily create hyperlinks between the notes, dates, and names stored on a Newton. Once again, my little green chunk of obsolete hardware gets punted directly into the path of oncoming information management technology. And speaking of all things obsolete, Wiki even has … More
In amongst all the fussing and excitement and ornery kurfluffle and other general nonsense, I completely forgot to mention that yesterday marked the sixth anniversary of my humble little domain. How about them apples?