This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

March 22, 2003

Muy ocupado.

When we’re between catalog drops at Veer, that generally means that I have more time to fix things on the web site that have been dogging me. More time to go through the piles on my desk and either toss the various sheets of paper into the recycle bin or the filing cabinet. More time to gradually inch down the dog-eared to do list and scratch things off, one by one, deftly avoiding adding too many new items to the bottom of the page. With a bit more flexible time on my hands (notice I didn’t say ‘free time’ on my hands), I can explore other things that need exploring. RSS feeds of the new products being added to the site, for instance. Typeface previewing enhancements and the related impact on the user experience. Whilst meandering through the vast topic of typography, I’d liek to mention that I’ve also started working on a new typeface design based on some recent sketchbook doodles. It’s probably been two years since I took a serious look at any one of the dozen or so unfinished font designs languishing on my hard drive. Rather than fire up Fontographer and keep stabbing away an one of the old files, I decided to start fresh. Building characters and glyph elements bit by bit directly in Illustrator. This will probably be the first typeface I’ve ever completed in software other than Fontographer. It shall be sprung from the fertile loins of FontLab instead. OpenType and all. Naturally, you’ll have to wait a bit to witness the result. I’ll show stuff when I think there’s enough to show, just like I’ll roll tweaks out onto the web site when I think they’re compatible with public consumption. I’m not completely sure where I was going with this post, other than to say that I’m muy ocupado. Very occupied, and in a very good way.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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