This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

September 3, 2001


Last night, we pulled out one of the many Atari 2600 game systems I have piled in the basement and hooked it up to show the kids. Both my daughters have been entranced by the Nintendo that one of their friends down the street has, and have been asking my wife and I about the video games we played as kids. Although I have vivid memories of using one of the first Magnavox Odyssey systems available in Western Canada while my parents were shopping for a stereo back in 1972, we never had any video games in our house until I bought my very own Apple II in the late seventies.Yar’s Revenge Game Cartridge c. 1981My wife’s family on the other hand, had an Atari from the moment it arrived on the scene and wee heavily invested in cartridges when we first started dating. Teri and I would spend hours playing Yar’s Revenge and Missile Command as part of our evenings together. We did other young couple stuff too, but that’s an entirely different chapter of the story. Ahem. Yar’s Revenge was one of the games we fired up last night. Our nine year old daughter’s first comments were something along the lines of “but it’s just made up pixel by pixel…” and “I bet I could make that look better in Photoshop…” Smarty pants. Our six year old daughter, on the other hand, thought that the Atari logos looked like chicken feet, and proceeded to cheer us on while playing Video Pinball with the chant “Get the chicken feet. Get the chicken feet.” Gosh, what fun reliving this stuff through someone else’s eyes.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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