This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

January 17, 2001


Fresh from the “…it’s sort of like fan mail but not really” department:

“I read your blog just about every day, and I’ve gotta ask: What’s up with the MS bashing, huh? You use a Mac, hell, even a Newton, so why do you focus so much attention of M$? It should be a non-issue to you. I can see in web design that you’d need to test your sites in IE and Netscape for Windows, but other than that, I don’t get it.”

If I had to explain this, it’s because I tend to pick up on things about Microsoft that just plain bug me. It might by the fact that it’s getting harder to escape from being exposed to their software, and being forced to use it in my current corporate environment. It might be that every time I use Office, or Outlook, or Windows, I end up audibly cursing at the way some user interface element or command or function has been implemented. Yes, I am firmly rooted in the Apple/Mac/Newton camp, and that’s my preference. However, on a daily basis I use Windows and other Microsoft products, not only because I have to, but because I should at least try to be vaguely familiar with them on a professional level. But that doesn’t mean I have to like those products, or promote them, or encourage others to use them. I’m not lashing out blindly at Microsoft, I do have some experience to back up my ranting.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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