January 5, 2001
2600 JAMMA Joystick LXI’m almost ashamed to admit it, but the release of the Atari 2600 was the effective zenith of my game playing experience. I have never even touched a PlayStation or NES, let alone been sucked into something as testosterone-pumping as Doom or Quake. Give me a crack at Yars’ Revenge, and it’s another story all together. Which brings me to the point of these rambling fragments.
Goatstore.com has just released their industrial-grade joystick replacement for the 2600. I’ve been cursing all the Atari-branded controllers I’ve pounded into dust over the years, just waiting for a beast that can actually stand up to a realistic amount of body language. Arcade-quality buttons, user replaceable parts, and a lovely selection of case colors. Chopper Command, here we come…
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