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ISSN 1496-3221

Archive: August, 2001

August 24, 2001


Ah, that feels so much better. It’s been just over seven years since we moved into this house. This evening, I finally got around to scraping the remaining weather-hardened bits of green Astroturfesque carpeting off the back porch steps. It’s as if I’ve smeared salve on a persistent rash and it has cleared up and … More

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 24, 2001


There’s a new version of MacHTTP that should nip all those pesky Code Red buffer overflow problems in the proverbial bud. Yes, I know that Mac-based web servers can’t be compromised by Code Red, but earlier versions of MacHTTP could potentially suffer from request string indigestion.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 24, 2001


I’m glad that my friend Howie is finally using his powers for good and not evil. He’s definitely on to something promising with his concept for a WAP-based Slurpee Status interface tied into a GPS location system. Now all we need is a wireless input mechanism for ranking 7-11 employees on a standardized perkiness index.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 23, 2001


Phasmidless. The last remaining grandchild of Shim, my original stick insect, finally dried up and crumbled into tiny bug pieces this past week. It was quite a progenetic run for old Shim. I can assure you that there are still quite a few twiggy-legged offspring stuffed into jars across western Canada. However, there are no … More

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 23, 2001


“I don’t know what a monopoly is until somebody tells me.” The tap-dancing sweat gland, Steve Ballmer, as quoted in this article a couple of days ago. I guess he must get paid to be a public ignoramus. Nice work if you can get it. What a dork.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 22, 2001


Fear not faithful viewers, I’m still here. It just that I’m in the middle of drywalling the furnace room down in the basement. Can’t you just see it? There’s going to be twenty more linear feet of tidy, organized storage aplenty. Hot damn.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 20, 2001


This is a test post through the Blogger API using an XML-RPC enabled AppleScript written by Jeffrey Czerniak. The spiffiest thing about this, at least from my twisted point of view, is that I can now wrap a custom HyperCard-based user interface around this script. Oh dear, I think I’m feeling faint…

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 20, 2001


Continuing today’s inadvertent tribute to the more colourful end of the vernacular, this may be the most accurately representative word mark and domain name ever secured by a law firm. Presenting for your viewing pleasure,

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 20, 2001


Something a little bird sent me.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.

August 18, 2001


Yes, I’m back. And now the server is too. Drat. Apparently, WebStar decided to take its own vacation two days after I left on a week long trip to the mountains. Crud. To all the inconvenienced hostees and regular visitors alike, my sincere apologies for the unintended disruption. I promise that I will install the … More

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.