Tomorrow is once again a self-declared wireless Wednesday at our house. I’m going to spend the morning finding junk to recycle and the afternoon hammering nails into random pieces of lumber. As for the rest of you, try to turn off the computer for at least an hour and go outside. I’ll shall return on … More
Is there any reason, besides being able to dedicate adequate development resources, why the ThunderHawk browser technology couldn’t work on a Newton? By Bitstream’s own admission the client is based on easily portable, device independent code that “runs on any operating system”, the browser footprint is a measly 100KB or so, and a color display … More
Some sweet soul managed to put the entire NeXTstep 3.3 Network and System Administration Manual online for all to see. Bless his little Mach kernel. Who knows, I may end up getting my two forlorn NeXTstations wedged into the server rack and doing something useful yet. Via mr barrett
With the announcement of PageMaker 7.0 at breakfast this morning, Adobe merrily reaches across the table and mashes grapefruit into Jakob’s face. Portable documents everywhere… everywhere I tell you. Yes, the curmudgeonly one does make a couple of valid points. (Contrary to wide spread fact-mongering, he is occasionally right.) PDF shouldn’t be use as the … More
I finally got around to ordering upgrades for some Adobe applications this morning. All three upgrades were for Mac, and all three serial numbers used to qualify for the upgrades were from previous Mac versions. The platform bias is not that big of a deal in itself, as I have dozens of products registered and … More
Studs are but one of the components required during the process of framing a basement wall. A process with which I have become intimately familiar. There are other technical details to framing that become second nature the more you work with them. Specifically, I already know quite a bit about the purpose and application of … More
Still keeping track of standards compliance in browsers? If you are, then you’ll be pleased to hear that Mozilla 0.9.1 was released yesterday. This version has XSLT support, although the release notes mention that “the implementation is still incomplete and has bugs.” Yeah, like that’s news. If all those fancy new acronyms aren’t your cup … More
Note to self: When you click on any link that calls the JavaScript function OpenBrowser() from the Pardeikes Welcome Plug-in Edit Host page, the web server will crash with a Type 2 error. Damn. It had been running tickety-boo for over a month too. On the bright side, I discovered how to specify multiple file … More