The logos emblazoned across the ephemeral detritus on your desktop may be tipping people off to more than your corporate loyalties. According to research performed by, the presence (or absence) of a company logo on your coffee mug, mousepad, or t-shirt may actually have impact on your goal to relocate to that corner office. … More
Shameless self-referential cross-link time kids! I just added eleven more contestants to the spiral logo critique and boy are my arms tired. Included in this round is the freshly greased and ready to spin Raging Search logo. I’m still enormously embarrassed that I didn’t even notice the spiral when I wrote about this site a … More
I just found a weird thing using Blogger with the Mac version of MSIE 5. When you post a blog item, the text editing field doesn’t get cleared like in other browsers. To me, this implies that you can continue editing the current text, hit the post button again, and have the changes be applied … More
Man, did I love this show. There will always be a special place for Gene Roddenberry in the back of my brain, but Gerry Anderson was a television science fiction god. Even if he did have a severe marionette fetish.
Ah, there’s nothing that can reconfirm your email client and computer platform of choice as fast as a replicating virus outbreak. Opening up Claris eMailer this morning, I found 14 copies of this. Apparently another variation of the address book scouring Melissa virus managed to get through our primary corporate virus detection system down in … More
Are there any publishing ethics or guidelines for weblogs? The reason I ask is because I always feel a bit guilty going back and editing a previous post rather than just leaving it alone. I tend to revisit stuff when a sentence doesn’t read right in context with others, or something I wrote just sounded … More
How big brother is this? Microsoft is planning on adding biometric measurement and authentication to future releases of Windows to take the place of those pesky text-based passwords. I don’t think I’m being overly paranoid if I happen to express some concern about Microsoft having control over a retinal-scanning device connected to my computer. They … More
The folks over at AltaVista are prepping to launch a new search engine. Well, it’s not really a new search engine, it’s the same old AltaVista search engine with a new paint job. But it does have a new name. Expected to be called Raging Search, this reupholstered type-and-pray tool is apparently aimed at Googlesque … More
Stay Put is a free plug-in for Adobe Illustrator that lets you align objects without moving other objects that are already positioned where you want them. In other words, they stay put. It works by allowing to you set a “target” object which other selected objects will align to. Very slick. Via Array
The May issue of Web Page Design for Designers is out and making noise about the impact recent Netscape and Internet Explorer browser releases will have on designers, specifically in terms of font usage. “In the short term though, it is going to cause even more of a headache because you can no longer be … More