January 29, 2002
Another sunny day, another sunny browser update. This time it’s a minor bug fix release for the latest flavour of your friendly, neighborhood iCab.
ISSN 1496-3221
January 29, 2002
Another sunny day, another sunny browser update. This time it’s a minor bug fix release for the latest flavour of your friendly, neighborhood iCab.
January 28, 2002
Waferbaby is still looking for several hundred capable humanoid life forms to fill in the gaping holes in his massive thousand panel fusion. Hey buddy, don’t look at me… I’ve done my part. Now it’s time for you to scoot your mouse around, go clickety-click, and add your name to the roster. Go on now, … More
January 27, 2002
I really need to get around to changing the rest of this site over to CSS. Oy.
January 27, 2002
Testing. Testing. One, two, three… “You are now a Blogger Pro subscriber. May you use your new powers for good and not evil.” Hot diggity damn.
January 27, 2002
Fark. I normally have nothing but good stories to tell about my ISP. Actually, I have no stories to tell about my ISP, because my DSL connection just works. No complaints. No outages. Therefore, no stories. However, thing are apt to change. Cadvision apparently started upgrading firmware on their primary routers this morning. Not “early … More
January 26, 2002
Hrm. It appears that Mike has redesigned and gone to great lengths to make himself even harder to reach out and touch. What up wid dat, mon frère?
January 25, 2002
Ah yes, it appears that iCab, the odd but lovable out of town cousin from the Mac browser family, has managed to reach version 2.7 and is now available for your downloading pleasure. At first glance, it looks like the update consists mostly cosmetic tidies and interface function tweaks. Indeed, it’s probably worth a look … More
January 25, 2002
A worldly observation, if I may. I just completed the purchase and transfer of a domain name using an American escrow service, from a company based in Russia, that had originally registered the name with a registrar that calls Canada home. It all just makes me feel so… so global.
January 24, 2002
I found it very interesting that a copy of the Adobe InDesign 2.0 upgrade arrived on my doorstep the very same day as Quark finally got around to announcing the availability of their latest software debacle. Mere coincidence or divine intervention? My synapses are all atwitter over the covert marketing possibilities.
January 24, 2002
This fascinating story about how a stolen iMac was recovered using Timbuktu and AppleScript is making the rounds quite a bit today. If you’ve already read this, my apologies in advance. I just can’t pass up the opportunity to spread the love. I absolutely get knocked on my can when I read about computers and … More