This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221


What seems like a lifetime ago, Blogger announced that they were deprecating FTP publishing. That meant moving my site to another platform. Thus began the process of migrating ten years worth of posts and comments into WordPress.

That seems like a lifetime ago, as well.

While my blogging basically bit the dust, things were still happening around here. Case in point, I’ve continued to perpetuate my persnicketiness by recording each and every one of my haircuts. There’s also been some noodling on a cruftless WordPress theme called Tersus, which you can see in action on this site. Oh, and you might enjoy a peruse of the revamped Newton Glossary Eventually, all of the legacy content swimming around the old interweb pool will be moved over to this new home. At least that’s the plan.

In the meantime, you can find me on Flickr, Twitter, Instagram, Glass, GitHub, Dribbble,,, Mastodon, and Pinboard.

Thanks for stopping by.
